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Hi. I’m Kelsey.

Welcome to my blog. I document my love of reading, photography, and video. Enjoy!

Cozy Winter Book Recommendations

Cozy Winter Book Recommendations

I love a cozy book recommendations list so here is yet ANOTHER one geared more toward winter-feeling reads. These are all books to sink into as the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder. These recs aren’t necessarily ones that all take place during the winter, but they are stories you’ll want to snuggle up with under a blanket with a fake fireplace going or if you’re fancy a real fireplace (in this economy?!?) so let’s get into it.

  1. The Gilded Wolves series by Roshani Chokshi

    This is such a lush series. It feels like its own mythology, with deep magic systems and world building, you’ll feel like you’ve been sucked into a different time and place.

    Taking place in Paris in 1889 at the time of the World’s Fair (a favorite setting of mine), we’re following five characters who are hunting down an ancient magical artifact.

    Full of secret societies, magic, extravagant parties, and forbidden love, this series is so dang good. Also the second one takes place at an ice palace in Russia so like. Could it get any more perfect? No. It can’t. Read these.

2. In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

I’ve loved just about every book I’ve read from this writing duo. They’re fun and funny and just spicy enough. So I was thrilled when I learned they were coming out with a Christmas book, and I’m happy to report it was such a fun read.

I would describe In a Holidaze is described as a cute Hallmark Christmas movie meets Groundhogs Day. Which sounds weird and it kind of is, but it works somehow. We’re following Maelyn Jones as she, her family, and two other families meet up for Christmas at a family cabin, a tradition spanning Mae’s entire life. On their last day, it’s announced that the cabin is being sold, and the family tradition as she knows it is coming to an end. She throws out a plea to the universe to show her what will make her happy and the next thing she knows, she’s waking up on the plane a week prior, heading out to relive the same week. Mae has to figure out what’s going on, how to fix it, and how to save her family traditions all while falling for her best friend’s older brother.

It’s fun and messy and so full of holiday traditions you’ll feel oddly at home in this strange timeloop.

3. The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid

Based on Jewish and Hungarian folklore, in the Wolf and the Woodsman we’re following Évike, the only woman in her Pagan village without magic, and lives her life as an outcast. When the King’s soldiers come to her village to take a girl for the King’s blood sacrifice, her fellow villagers betray her and hand her over for the taking.

She then embarks on a journey through the cursed forest back to the King, but when a monster attacks and kills all but one of the soldiers, she has to team up with one of the men who kidnapped her from her village.

This was a solid debut, and the atmosphere is perfect for this time of year. Filled with lore, monsters, political intrigue, and a bit of romance, you’ll tear through this.

4. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

It was bound to happen sooner or later. One of my favorite authors, series, universes of all time. Set aside enough free time because once you start you will not be able to stop until you’ve read the entire Grishaverse.

Shadow and Bone is book 1 in the Grishaverse, and it kicks off everything you need to know in this world. We’re following Alina Starkov, an orphaned young woman and mapmaker for the Ravkan king’s army. When crossing the Shadowfold, a blighted scar across Ravka filled with demon monsters, her ship is attacked, and under extreme pressure to save her best friend, she unleashes powers she didn’t know she had. Power with the potential to erase the Shadowfold and save Ravka.

Whisked away to the king’s palace, she’s taken under the wing of The Darkling, an elusive but powerful Grisha, to learn about her potential to save the country. Not is all as it seems and we’re pulled into a world of political discord, deceit, and a struggle to save lives and Ravka.

I LOVE THIS SERIES. Oh my god. I don’t want to overhype but it’s a lot of fun and so fast. I highly recommend the audiobook, which is read by one of my all time favorite narrators, Lauren Fortgang. It’s a win win win win win.

And that’s all for now!

Any on this list that jump out to you? Any cozy winter recs for me??? Lemme know!

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